Friday, March 22, 2013

Ronia sings

Ronia sings (and my heart melts). She sings a lot and a lot of different songs. We can recognise the melody and some words of:

Rock a bye baby

- Watermelon, watermelon I love you love watermelon
- Twinkle, twinkle little star
- Six pence
- Baba black sheep
- Old McDonald had a farm
- PlaySchool theme
- Jedzie pociag z daleka
- Krakowiaczek jeden
- Incy wincy spider
- Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around
- Happy Birthday
- Hickory dickory dock
- ... is here today
- Painting a picture
- Open shut them
- Drip drop rain is falling down
- Hokey pokey

Singing twinkle twinkle littler star:

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